Neufeld Mesothelioma Law Firm Miami
- Published date: November 19, 2020
- Miami, Florida, United States 33130 [ #242 Ad Views - 260 ]
+1 305-526-4058
Thousands of people are newly diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma each and each year. For those that currently live in Florida, and have an actual diagnosis, they must consult with an asbestos personal injury attorney within four years of the date of the identification. Family members of someone who has died of an asbestos disease should call their Neufeld Mesothelioma Law Firm Miami within a couple of decades of the date of death.
Asbestos Related Diseases
All asbestos-related diseases have a very long latency period after exposure; typically a minimum of ten years elapses before a disorder develops. Frequently there's a latency of 30 decades or longer.
Usually, the smaller and straighter the fiber, the deeper it is going to end up lodged in the lungs, and the more damaging it is. Because of this, Crocidolite and Amosite are thought to be more detrimental than Chrysotile. Some healthcare professionals and studies imply that the human immune system is much better at removing Chrysolite compared to Crociodolite and Amosite.
Experienced Mesothelioma Law Firm in Miami
Asbestos-related diseases may be grouped into two primary categories: malignancies and non-malignancies. Non-Malignant (Benign) Asbestos-Related Diseases All these ailments aren't cancerous but can have a substantial effect on the quality of life. They're incurable and largely untreatable. This is a result of the fact that a high number of asbestos fibers are present in the lung tissue, which the human body has an adverse reaction to them. In rare cases, these diseases can advance to very severe phases requiring hospitalization, constant oxygen source, etc. In too advanced stages, asbestosis can cause such a strain on breathing that it leads to respiratory failure. It's referred to as restrictive because the scarring takes up room in the gut, thus limiting the volume in which the lung can hold air.
Asbestosis runs comparison to a prevalent type of lung disorders referred to as obstructive, wherein the bronchial tubes (that are the passages that permit air to flow into and out of the lungs), become obstructed. Obstructive diseases aren't due to asbestos exposure. Pleural Disease Disease in the lining of the chest and lung cavity, involving scarring that can be dispersed over a large area or concentrated to plaques Diffuse Pleural Thickening Scarring of the visceral pleura on a sizable area. Pleural Plaques Scarring and thickening of the parietal pleura in one concentrated area, forming a dense plaque. Calcified Pleural Plaques Pleural plaques on which calcium has been deposited, which makes them stiff. Malignant Asbestos-Related Diseases Malignant asbestos-related ailments, while they may be treated to some extent, are nearly always fatal. Lung Cancer This disease has many different causes but can be caused by asbestos exposure. There is considerable risk for those who were exposed to asbestos and also had a substantial smoking history.
People who were at the United State Navy, boatyard workers, technicians, electricians, pipefitters, steelworkers, construction workers, auto mechanics, aeroplane mechanics, contractors, even maintenance/janitorial workers who worked in businesses that used asbestos (even if they did not handle asbestos). If they're old enough, people who smoked Kent Cigarettes between 1952 and 1957 (the firm put asbestos in the filter. While one can't bring additional tobacco cases under the Florida Supreme Court Engel conclusion, an asbestos-related claim can still be brought against tobacco companies under a products liability theory.
Also, spouses or family members of people who have been routinely exposed to asbestos may develop asbestos-related diseases since they may get asbestos on clothes and will generally reside near the asbestos-using factory or plant.
Contact Asbestos Lawyers in Miami
Asbestos But even with these elements, if you are uncertain of your diagnosis, you want to see more doctors. It would be best if you asked your doctor to test for cancer. Non-Asbestos-Related Lung Conditions Occasionally known as co-morbidities, we often observe these disorders in our medical documents. But they're not associated with asbestos exposure. Since they are sometimes associated with several causes and hard to prove, many Florida asbestos lawyers won't accept cases with these co-morbidities: COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Most frequently caused by smoking. We see that this quite frequently in our medical records and also receive many inquiry calls from people with this ailment. Still, it doesn't have any association with asbestos exposure, which induces restrictive ailments. Emphysema Also an obstructive disorder; also related to smoking. Silicosis Like asbestosis it's a form of pulmonary fibrosis. However, as suggested by the title, it has a distinct causative agent (i.e. exposure to silica).
If You believe you've been hurt by asbestos and require a highly Recommended Mesothelioma injury lawyer in Florida, contact us now for a free consultation.
Neufeld Mesothelioma Law Firm Miami
Address - 80 S.W. 8th Street, Suite 2000-B Miami, FL 33130
Contact - 305-526-4058
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