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RMQ Mesothelioma Law Firm Portland

  • Published date: November 28, 2020
    • Portland, Oregon, United States
    • 97035   [ #300 Ad Views - 236 ]
  • +1 800-765-5801

RMQ Mesothelioma Law Firm Portland is a reputed law firm that helps victims in filing a lawsuit. With 22 known sites for asbestos sites, including 12 deposits of naturally-occurring asbestos and three asbestos mines, Portland poses a considerable danger of asbestos exposure. The Mount Vernon deposit began production in 1959, in which chrysotile asbestos was pulled. The Raspberry Creek deposit has been mined for tremolite asbestos, starting in 1943. The L.E.J. Asbestos mine generated tremolite asbestos starting in 1952. Mining is connected to a more significant amount of asbestos exposure because of the substance being in its normal state. Many mines failed to utilize safety gear, and if they did, asbestos was frequently contained in the protective equipment.

In addition to the mining operations, another primary source of asbestos exposure in Oregon has been the shipbuilding industry. Oregon's coastline made it a desirable location for many shipyards. These shipyards possibly exposed tens of thousands of workers to asbestos. The U.S. Military and, more specifically, the Navy required asbestos to be utilized in boats because of its insulating and fireproof properties. Asbestos was commonly used in boat furnaces, boilers, and other parts of the ship.

Experienced Mesothelioma Law Firm Portland

It is estimated that around 200 facilities were possibly a source of asbestos exposure from Oregon. Power plants, timber mills, paper mills, and factories across the state were other sources of asbestos exposure in Oregon. Metalworks facilities also vulnerable workers to asbestos. Asbestos was frequently used during the metalworking process and has been found from the factories and gear.

Oregon is ranked 19th in the country in the number of mesothelioma and asbestosis episodes. Between 1999 and 2015, 619 Oregon residents were diagnosed with mesothelioma. The prevalence rate for mesothelioma in the country is approximately 11 individuals per million annually. Multnomah and Clackamas Counties have the maximum number of mesothelioma incidences from the state. Between 1999 and 2013, over 456 Oregon residents were diagnosed with asbestosis, and above 2,640 died from non-mesothelioma lung cancer.

Oregon Asbestos Laws

Oregon has several laws associated with mesothelioma lawsuits. These laws affect who may be sued, the time limit by which a claim has to be filed, and what the plaintiff has to prove to secure compensation.

Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations is that the time limit by which a plaintiff has to file a lawsuit to keep the claim from becoming time-barred. Many states use a statute of limitations for asbestos exposure cases, comprised of a general personal injury statute. But, Oregon uses a statute of limitations specific to product liability actions stemming from causing an asbestos-related disease. According to the statute, the case must be brought within two years after the date once the plaintiff first discovered, or reasonably should have discovered by the exercise of reasonable care the illness and its origin. The statute says explicitly that other statutes of limitations or statutes of repose do not apply. There's also a two-year statute of limitations for wrongful death cases in Oregon.

Court Exposure Standard

The state-level causes many Asbestos cases. Each state establishes different rules and standards for that which the plaintiff must establish in a case. The most common standard in asbestos cases is that the Lohrmann test requires the plaintiff to prove that the defendant's product was a substantial factor in the plaintiff developing mesothelioma asbestos-related condition. This can be completed by setting the regularity, frequency, and proximity of the goods' use. Oregon does not require this standard. Instead, it employs the California standard, which still requires demonstrating that the defendant's product was a significant prosecution element. It's not essential to establish the closeness or frequency of vulnerability to the defendant's product, which can be a higher burden to meet.

Limitations Against Certain Defendants

In some Scenarios, a product liability action for damages stemming from an asbestos-related disease can't be brought against a contractor for the damages. This limit applies if the contractor used or installed goods according to plans, specifications, or instructions prepared by a project owner, is not the producer or distributor of those asbestos-containing materials, and the contractor didn't furnish the asbestos-containing products independent of the provision of work. A lawsuit can still be brought from the contractor if they substituted an asbestos-containing substance on a job where the programs did not call for its usage. The job owner didn't expressly consent to this substitution.

Contact RMQ Mesothelioma & Asbestos Law Firm Portland

A law Company with offices in Albany, Corvallis, and Portland, clients can meet attorneys in a convenient location. The company's attorneys offer decades of joint legal expedience. They know the intricacies of asbestos litigation, such as how asbestos exposure often happens, in addition to understanding state-by-state regulations regarding how a claim must be filed. The firm's attorneys have received national and state recognition for their trial work and client advocacy. They also concentrate on increasing safety at work and in the community.

A Law firm that is based in Lake Oswego. The firm has a repository of information regarding possible job sites and other places related to asbestos exposure. The firm's attorneys provide skillful and thoughtful legal representation. They are not afraid to bring a case to trial and won't only quickly settle a situation if this means the client's best interests are jeopardized. The firm has represented various individuals who have developed mesothelioma, leading to significant verdicts and settlements. The company may also provide advice regarding treatment options.

A law Company with offices in both Portland and Hillsboro, where its attorneys deliver High-quality legal solutions to mesothelioma victims. The company Knows State and federal laws regarding asbestos exposure and assists clients navigate Through the system. It focuses on delivering legal services targeted at Determining the full extent of damages and struggling to secure compensation. They'll explore all Legal options that could meet the customer's requirements.

RMQ Law Firm

Address - Portland, OR 97035

Contact - 800-765-5801

Website -

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