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Casey Gerry Mesothelioma Law Firm San Diego

  • Published date: December 22, 2020
    • San Diego, California, United States
    • 92101   [ #423 Ad Views - 227 ]
  • +1 619-238-1811

Asbestos-containing products were widely used in the United States for over a century. While asbestos contains outstanding insulation and fire-proofing properties, vulnerability to the airborne fibers can cause ailments such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, and certain cancers. Casey Gerry Mesothelioma Law Firm San Diego is an experienced law firm fighting for victims compensation.

Asbestos Companies' Decades of Lies

Companies that mined and manufactured asbestos products have been aware of the health dangers since the 1920s but have prevented alerting the public for a long time. Because of this, those who develop mesothelioma and other asbestos-linked ailments have legal rights to compensation from the companies who disregarded their security.

Asbestos exposure generally happened during commercial And national construction work, particularly installing insulating material, work in shipyards, and service aboard boats. Family members of these employees were exposed to asbestos levels that frequently led to their development of deadly diseases.

Mesothelioma and asbestos-related disorders are typically slow-growing. Infection may first appear decades after first exposure. By the time a diagnosis is established, the disease could have progressed to where the sufferer might not have much time left.

Concerning Our Mesothelioma Lawyers in San Diego

Casey Gerry is the oldest personal injury law firm in San Diego. Advocating for injured workers and their families since 1947, the company is a leading advocate for those suffering from mesothelioma and other asbestos-caused diseases. CaseyGerry's asbestos litigation team has assisted thousands of people through the claims process.

In 1996, company partner Frederick Schenk won the largest verdict Ever awarded in an asbestos lawsuit in San Diego County at that moment.

If you or a loved one has mesothelioma or another Asbestos-caused disease, our experienced mesothelioma attorneys can help. CaseyGerry's understanding of asbestos lawsuits can help your family hold the applicable companies liable for their negligence in guarding your health. Our dedicated professionals may require prompt and practical steps to help you and your loved ones through the asbestos claim procedure. You may reach our firm at -LRB-619-RRB- 238-1811.

Even Short Flu Infection Could Be Dangerous

Asbestos fibers are incredibly lovely and light enough to be carried in the atmosphere. In the plan of mining, installing, and manufacturing products using fibers, asbestos can exfoliate and become airborne. Workers have clarified mining and factory environments in which the air was white with asbestos dust, and their hair and clothes were covered with all the fibers. Asbestos workers can't avoid inhaling the airborne fibers, mainly when ventilation is low and protection is inadequate.

People Who develop asbestos-related diseases have usually had regular and possibly frequent asbestos exposure, either during handling as part of their work or working or living in a building where asbestos-containing materials have been disturbed by construction or renovation.

Particular Kinds of work require high asbestos exposure. These include:

  • asbestos mining and milling
  • manufacture of asbestos tiles
  • manufacture of asbestos materials
  • shipbuilding trades
  • insulation work in building
  • electricians
  • plasterers
  • pipefitters
  • railroad workers
  • manufacture of brake linings
  • construction demolition
  • drywall installation
  • drywall removal
  • other asbestos elimination
  • firefighting
  • asbestos tile setters
  • boiler workers
  • aluminum plant employees

Ship Shipyard employees often worked in closed spaces using material that introduced large quantities of asbestos fibers into the air.

People who have worked at shipbuilding in any way, even for a matter of months or weeks, at any moment in their lives, are at increased risk for developing mesothelioma.

They should tell their healthcare providers about their exposure.

Contact Casey Gerry Mesothelioma Law Firm San Diego

Family Members of a worker heavily exposed to asbestos are also at risk for sickness. They are sometimes subjected to fibers brought into the home to the employee's hair, clothes, and shoes. Federal and some state laws now require people working with asbestos to consider security measures to protect against the fibers being transported on them. Depending on the nature of their job and their exposure, employees may be required to shower and change their clothes before leaving work, or store their garments in a separate region of the office, or wash work clothing separately in the home.

Hazards in Asbestos Removal and Building Demolition

Even though removing debris from houses and offices, the asbestos-containing substances are likely to be disturbed in ways that release the fibers to the atmosphere, where they can be inhaled. Demolition of a building presents even more significant risks of producing airborne asbestos fibers.

Brief Asbestos Exposure

Even though the highest risk of developing mesothelioma stems from regular and protracted exposure to asbestos, a few people have developed the disease after just very brief exposure. Asbestos fibers that lodge in lung tissue cause harm so long as they remain there and mesothelioma develops slowly and silently. Symptoms may not appear for decades after the exposure.

Obtaining Legal Help

If you or a loved one has Mesothelioma or another asbestos-caused illness, we can help you choose the steps To safeguard your rights. You may reach our company at -LRB-619-RRB- 238-1811.

Casey Gerry Law Firm

Address - 110 Laurel St. San Diego, CA 92101

Contact - 619-238-1811

Website -

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