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Useful Tips for Stay Healthy During Cancer Treatment

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Cancer Treatment Tips

Hey, Read our Recommended Useful Tips for Stay Healthy During Cancer Treatment. Being told you have cancer can be your worst nightmare. Until a few years ago, the diagnosis of Mesothelioma cancer was considered a death sentence. But now, due to advances in early diagnosis and treatment, the perception of cancer has changed drastically. Cancer is now curable. Surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy, stem cell transplant, and, precision medicines are the most common types of cancer treatments available. Patients can have only one treatment or a combination of treatments.

If a person is given chemotherapy to treat cancer, that person is most susceptible to infections. Chemotherapy drugs work by killing both cancer cells and the functional cells in your body. When white blood cells are destroyed in large numbers, the immune system becomes weak. Leading a healthy lifestyle during treatment is very important to beat the disease.

Proper nutrition helps your body to cope better with the treatment and to recover fast. Healthy food helps improve the body’s immune system, heal the damaged tissues, and maintain a healthy weight while allowing your body to regain its strength back. The best way to eat well is to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables each day. Washing the fruits and vegetables well before consuming is very important. Keep food at the right temperature and cook food at the proper temperature. Avoid raw milk and drink pasteurized milk instead. Poultry, meat, and fish should be well cooked. Avoid raw or undercooked meat, fish, poultry, and eggs. Also avoid frying, broiling, and grilling meat at high temperatures. Drink only boiled water or protected water.

Being overweight raises the risk of recurrence of cancer. Increased body weight also reduces the odds of survival for many cancers. Staying at a healthy weight has other health benefits too. So cancer patients are advised to avoid weight gain.

Physical activity is much advisable for cancer patients. Exercise is not only safe during cancer treatment, but can also improve the quality of life. Moderate exercise increases muscle strength, improves fatigue and self-esteem. But people with anemia should avoid exercising until the anemia is better. You should also avoid public gyms until your WBC count returns to safe levels. Older people and people with the bone disease should be cautious while undertaking any physical activity.

To lower the risk of infection, a cancer patient, as well as the family members and visitors should wash their hands often. Many diseases are spread by not cleaning your hands. To keep away, germs wash your hands frequently using soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer. Also, take a shower or a bath every day and keep yourself clean. Brush your teeth using a soft toothbrush as your gums will be tender during treatment and will tend to bleed easily. Protect yourself from cuts if you get cut wash the area thoroughly and apply antibiotic cream over it.

If you are undergoing radiation treatment, your skin is likely to be very sensitive. To protect your skin from exposure to UV rays. Chlorine in swimming pools irritates the skin for radiation patients, and so they should avoid swimming pools.

Staying mentally and emotionally healthy during treatment is also very important. Stress, depression, anxiety, and, fear is common after a cancer diagnosis. Allow yourself to cry and give vent to your feelings. Don’t shut yourself off but reach out for support to a family member, a friend, a fellow survivor, or a support group. Cherish your connections and appreciate their efforts. Ask for help when you need it. Clear all your doubts with the medical team rather than living in fear.

Follow the instructions of your doctor carefully and keep the doctor posted on how you are doing. Focus on activities that distract you away from your disease. Meditation can ease pain, anxiety, and, stress; it promotes emotional health. Engage in enjoyable activities to manage stress.
Cancer can be an arduous journey. With the correct treatment, the right mindset and the support of your loved ones, you can find the light at the end of the tunnel.

Read Here # New Mesothelioma Treatment

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